Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is this website for?

A: This website is for sharing and discussing rumors anonymously. It's a platform where users can post rumors they've heard and discuss them with others without revealing their identities.

Q: How does the website work?

A: To post a rumor, simply go to the company page and fill the Rumor form "Post a rumor" button. You'll be prompted to enter your rumor and any relevant details. Once you submit your rumor, it will be posted to the site anonymously for others to see and comment on.

Q: How are rumors moderated?

A: All rumors are reviewed by our moderation team to ensure they comply with our community guidelines. We do not tolerate hate speech, bullying, or any other form of harassment. If a rumor is found to violate our guidelines, it will be removed from the site.

Q: Can I comment on rumors posted by others?

A: Yes, you can comment on any rumor posted to the site. We encourage constructive discussions and debate, but we do not tolerate personal attacks or harassment of other users.

Q: Are rumors fact-checked before they're posted?

A: No, we do not fact-check rumors before they're posted. However, we do encourage users to provide as much information and context as possible to help others evaluate the credibility of the rumor.

Q: What should I do if I see a rumor that's false or misleading?

A: We encourage users to report any rumors they believe to be false or misleading using the "Report" button located next to each post. Our moderation team will review the report and take appropriate action if necessary.

Q: Can I post rumors about individuals or businesses?

A: We do not allow rumors that are defamatory or violate the privacy of individuals or businesses. Please ensure that your rumor does not violate any laws or regulations before posting it to the site.

Q: Can I edit or delete my rumor after it's been posted?

A: No, once a rumor has been posted, it cannot be edited or deleted. Please ensure that your rumor is accurate and complies with our community guidelines before submitting it.